
Entrepreneur | Freelancer | Software Developer | Tech Lead

Available for work!

Hi! I'm Mateusz Ciszczoń, an all-around full stack developer and entrepreneur with over 7 years of experience.

My creative and analytical mind helps me finding simple and elegant solutions to complex problems. I try to bridge different domains and am a generalist.

I am currently available for enquires and freelance work. If you think I'd be a good fit for your project, do not hesitate to get in contact:

There is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling for me than to have an opportunity to put all my skills in use in order to achieve the best possible results. I like my solutions to run tight, as creating anything slapdash makes me unhappy!

I have a background in many different fields, having worked with graphic design and user interface, through front and backend development, to even music and sound design. I'm a deeply humanistic person, so I always try to have a bigger picture of whatever I'm dealing with.



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Mateusz Mieczysław Ciszczoń